
Charo Brightens Up a Dreary Covid Day

There are three peple to listen to during this Pandemic (clutch face, add scream), first and foremost Dr. Fauci for the facts. Governor Cuomo for some calming reassurance that we will persevere. And most importantly, Charo, to bring us light, love & levity to some cray ass times.


Stanley Tucci Makes a Negroni Sexy

Gird your loins! Stanley Tucci puts mixologists to shame with his effervescent portrayal of a
bespoke brooklyn bartender. Everyone needs a side hustle or three these days!


#TogetherAtHome Concert Was Everything!

It was a night for aritistry to shine and put the glitz and glam of showbusiness aside to put the spotlight on helathcare workers that get paid way less and count way more! It was nice to hear our favorite songs sung purely as what they are, songs we love because they mean something to us. Music has always united the world and what a great way to reuinite us as we deal with this global pandemic together. The music gives me hope for brighter days to come! Here Jlo give us her best Babs and I doth shed a tear. squish squish.


Elvira's Big Bat Rescue

Why did I not know Elivira was very busy in non Halloween time making very Halloweeny videos. Brilliant!


Wednesday is Hunkday!

Hunk du jour, JP GADรŠLHA , was on the Cirlcel Brazil. If you seen it let me know how it was. This is enough for me now.


Happy Easter From Dolly

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and me too, but in a good way! I love all things Easter and all things Dolly so blessed be the day!


Lady GaGa Gets Fancy for InStyle Magazine

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Lady GaGa is the busiest woman in showbusiness during this pandemic. Obviously this was shot 3 months befroe all this happened. Thankfully she has created enough content to feast our eyes and ears on to help take us to another world. The realities of life are screaming for escape right now and I'll take anything I can get!

HBD Vivienne Westwood!

Vivienne Westwood is THE Grande Dame of Modern English fashion. Originally a punk provacateur, she stuck to her scrappy roots and brought the streets to high fashion acceptance. Vivienne Westwood has influenced musicians, artists and many fashion designers since the 70's. Most notably Aexander McQueen. Long live punks fashion Queen @viviennewestwood !

Wednesday is Hunkday!

Brazilian volleyball player Lucas Mantellato has one of the best smiles among other things.


Quibi Debuts Today

The balleyhooed Quibi drops today and there is all kinds of short attention span content to quickly devour. This Game Show looks way gay, gay, gay! There seems to be something for everyone on Quibi. Stars are lining up to make it on the small screen. Let's see wehere this goes.


Ina Garten Makes a Huge Cosmopolitan

Ina Garten is the best at everthing entertertaining even if it's just entertainig herself! I actually do have all these ingredients for a Cosmopolitan Ina, don't mind if I do, probably after noon to appear polite. I bet Ina's husband, Jeffrey, the best fed husband in America, is lurking about somewhere to get him a samwhich when Ina's feeling good in the kitchen.