

Nicki Minaj is Preggers

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Nicki Minaj and the Virgin Mary now have something in common it appears. Well at least according to her Instagram. Leave it to Nicki Minaj to turn it up and turn it out as a sexy ass momma to be!


Kanye Running for Stunt Queen of the USA

The stunt queen of all stunt queens, Kanye West, says he is running for President?
Can we please move on and leave his posse and their "brands" in the 2010's?
2020 has sucked enough already.


HBD Pamela Anderson!

Happy Birthday to Playmate of the century, Pamela Anderson! Her eyebrows alone have lauched a zillion dremas. Moving down, her lips were a Kardashian's fodder for big lip gloss dreams. Her boobs, well I'll stop there because I'm not that kind of gal. Having worked at Playboy, shhhh (I'm still not that kind of gal), I've seen plenty of those two $tar makers.


Britney Wishes LGBTQ+ Peeps a Happpy Pride Ya'll

Britney Spears wishes us a happy Pride in a most wonderful way! By being all Britney for us!


FKA Twigs Shows us her Home Pole Workout

I'm slowly but surely becoming beguiled by the exquisite creature that is FKA Twigs. I could just google everything about her, but I'd rater get to know her talents more organically as though I'm discovering what kind of artist she is for the first time. Here, FKA captivates us with her classy ass pole dancing/home workout!


Cardi B Gives Us Quarantine Cardi Realness

Quarantine has been berry berry good to Cardi B's. She got a chance to slow down a bit and got to spend more time with her family and baby girl. She still managed to get free stuff sent to her, get her nails did, get her ass tat updated, get two new piercings and eat some real good meals. Oh, and she also managed to entertain the heck out of us. Reminding me what social media was really invented. For Quarantine Cardi to rule!!


Sponge Bob Comes Out of the Underwater Closet

Well, well, well. What do we have here? Sponge Bob has finally come out! Making me realize what the plus in LGBTQ+ is for. Now I can finally reveal that Boo Boo (that was my nickname for +)  and I had a mad torrid love affair years & years ago when he was just an unknown sponge. I could go on and on, but I don't squeeze and tell.


Mery Streep Shakes Up a Quarantine Cocktail

Every drink I have now will be preceded by the word quarantine coffee, quarantine Irish cream, quaranatine pinot grigio, you get the picture. Meryl Streep probably does the same. I'm pretty sure of it. I am a bit jelly that she is with my dream bff Christine Baranski. Although, I will admit their friendship makes more sense since they actually know eachother and I've never met either.


Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure Is Back In Time

I've been blue as of late, lacking any vim or vigor. Trying to stay hopeful, but failing mostly, until I saw this preview of Bill & Ted Face the Music! The sequel to, well you know already. If we could only go back in time right now and change a few things like Bill & Ted most excellently can. Maybe the world would be a better place if I could just tweak a few things on the timeline.