The fairytale is only beginning...
This fairy is now taking his tail to the beach, as one does in miami.
So as it turns out its really really hard to blog on an iPad
My apologies, but we are in miami, beach that is. Swimming pools Latin American movie stars.
I will get me to the office center in the heat of the day. Miami heat won btw!
I will get me to the office center in the heat of the day. Miami heat won btw!
The Next Drag Superstar Has Been Crowned!
Raja deserved to win she had the most class and style out of all the girls this season.
Congratulations lady!
Christina Aguilera explains SuperBowl flub: ‘I took in the moment a little too much
Christina Aguilera explains why she messed up the words of the national anthem at this years superbowl. She was not drunky mc drunky.
"I took in the moment a little bit too much. Shoot me for appreciating the moment but here I am at the “Super bowl”…singing for a team and in front of the world."
Lindsay Lohan to work at LA Coroner's office as community service - NYPOST.com

I used to clean offices when I was in college it wasn't so bad. i would eat the leftover donuts for dinner. is that really punishment?
Lindsay Lohan to work at LA Coroner's office as community service - NYPOST.com
We reached a high of 80!
degrees of hibernation!
citizenships imigations
all royal all the time here until the big nups!
Don't cry for me Beyonceina!
I'm confused, is this an evening gown or a negligee? or the beginning of a revolution?
via dlisted
Anna Wintour waits 15 minutes for Karl Lagerfeld at party for his Magnum short films
So while Anna was waiting 15 minutes who gained then lost their fame?
This reminds of some of the student films we made on 16mm back in the 90's. It's nice to see millions being spent on something that could cost $10. Oh and flying all the way from Paris on a private jet for this? Don't get me started.
Lindsay Lohan -- Bailed Outta Lynwood ... Again

"According to the L.A. County Sheriff's Department's website ... LiLo was in custody for almost five hours and her bail was set at $75,000." via TMZ
Lindsay is the new teflon. Slapped on the wrist with a misdemeanor. $75,000 bail really isn't that much. She probably had that in loose change mixed with tobacco at the bottom in her Birkin. She was prepared for this obviously. Now get back to acting and I don't mean just your age Ms. Lohan. Case closed!?
via TMZ
Ab Fab Is Coming Back for Three More Episodes
Now I know for sure there is a god. My secret prayers have been answered. This is a abfabulous Easter surprise! You can't keep bad girls down! BTW Stoli Bolly's are lethal. You are lucky to get home with one shoe after a night like that.
Prince William and Kate Middleton Look a Little Sketchy
I'm getting excited about the ballyhooed nuptials! Should I stay up all night? Or should wake up really early? Hmmmmm?
Lindsay Lohan Could Dodge Felony Bullet Today
Good luck girl! You'll need it. Just pray your judge is a reformed party girl and won't throw the book at you.
I'll say a lil' prayer for you too.
Dog stolen from back seat of Porsche is reunited with owner five days later - NYPOST.com
Poor Harry was plucked from his very posh life with his bougies daddies outside of Whole foods only to wind up wandering the unseemly corridors of the Baruch projects. Lil' Harry was terrified! Luckily his owners relentless search efforts and thanks to a good samaritan, Harry was safely returned home. What an adventure! At least Harry has his street cred now as he has developed a penchant for hip-hop. Hooray! Happy endings do exist in NYC.
Philip Treacy, Royal Wedding Hat Designer: Hats Are 'A Cheaper Form Of Cosmetic Surgery'
"When people think of hats, they think of her majesty the queen," designer Philip Treacy, who is making some hats for royal wedding guests, told The Associated Press on Monday. "They're exciting hats to make, because hats and royal weddings are both about magic, happiness and a sense of celebration."
C'est mon chapeau?
via huffpo
But, Of Course: Lindsay Lohan Is Back In That Gotti Movie
Oy Lindsay Lohan, ai yi yi/ She's in, she's out. Shes in, she's out. Whatever! Once you are in you're in for life if you're connected...to scientology?
James Frey to return to Oprah Winfrey's show--despite being famously filleted by her in 2006 over "A Million Little Pieces" - NYPOST.com
Really James, really? Wasn't the first million pieces Oprah broke you into enough?!?!?
Get ready to be pulverized then.
The Mayor Of Florence Wants To Destroy The Cast Of Jersey Shore
I've been to Florence. It's a pretty classy town. Salvatore Ferragamo, Statue of David, Venus DeMilo etc....
I was drunk everyday on the street and no one noticed. I think the cast of Jersey will be fine. Once the mayor gets a load of "the girls" he will be silly putty in their hands.
via dlisted
Jennifer Lopez: BlackBerry PlayBook & LOVE? Launch!
A tube top, really? I know you are the most beautiful women in the world for another 350 days more or so, but a tube top, really? At 41, really? Take that to beach with a cover up, oh wait she's at Best Buy, nevermind.
via JJ
Justin Bieber chooses Charlie Sheen as Time's "most influential person in the world" - NYPOST.com
When asked who is the most influential person in the world he says
"[It] has got to be Charlie Sheen. He's got a million followers in one day on Twitter.
And . . . I've never seen that happen before. Plus, he's got tiger blood, and he's always winning."
You don't need a crystal ball for this one. I think we can all see where this is headed.
Two words...Leif Garret, I rest my case.
Roseanne Barr -- My Neighbor MURDERED My Goats!
Roseanne "Barr -- who lives on a macadamia nut farm in Hawai" insert joke here...
She claims it's anti semitism, maybe they just don't like goats.
If I was her I would get my goats and get the heck out of there.
There are other Hawaiian Islands.
As crazy as this story sounds cruelty to animals is never acceptable!
via TMZ
Pete Burns. Stunning. The End.
You spun my head right round Pete Burns!! I thought it was Cher.
via dlisted
Danny DeVito -- Quacked Out at Coachella

This is the hottest thing I've seen come out of Coachella this year, is Danny Devito back on the map?
via TMZ
Charlie Sheen Wants To Take Twins On Tour
I thought Charlie Sheen already had a set of twins with their own set of twins on his tour?
He is officially redundant.
He is officially redundant.
Robert Pattinson beats Reese Witherspoon to "Water for Elephants" premiere - NYPOST.com
A little star competition never hurt anyone. The only reason they are where they are is because we put them there. Although I loved the Legally Blonde movies I feel like there is something wrong with Reese Witherspoons face. On the otherhand there is nothing wrong with Robet Pattinsons what so ever.
That's Captain Hot Ginge To You!
I always thought Captain Stubing on Love Boat was hot. I guess I'm just a sucker for anyone in a uniform and/or in a position of authority.
vias dlisted
Gas reaches $4 a gallon in Central New York
I was thinking about finally buying my dream car, but now fugetaboutit.
Darren Criss at the Coachella Festival 2011
It's nice to see the boys from glee having some fun together. I'm sure they need major release form the sweatshop that is Glee.
NBC scales back footage of Royal Wedding: too boring - NYPOST.com
I think NBC is underestimating the power of being boring.
Ricky Martin in Atlantic City
sorry not posts yesterday, but I was still recovering from the partying and reeling from all the money one spends in Atlantic city. Note to self don't do it again, but Ricky Martin was totally worth it in retrospect. He is one of the sexiest men in the business. The crowd was mostly a combination of the boriqua nation, gays and their girls, sister inlaws on sister inlaws and boyfriends who were coerced to take their girlfriends. A fun bunch for sure.
No posts today! It's my Birfday!
On my way to Atlantic City to see Ricky Martin at the Borgata tonight w/ my boo and crew!
I'm gonna shake my bon bons, hope I don't hurt anything or anyone.
All My Children Cancelled!
really? and why did I have to learn about this on TV!
how dare you ABC!
i will never wach the view again!
how dare you ABC!
i will never wach the view again!
Original content alert!
once you look at it backwards, its a storybook forever about loves, family, coworkers and bff's!
life is worth loooking at thrice!
life is worth loooking at thrice!
Catherine Zeta Jones Has Checked Into A Mental Hospital
Being bipolar is nothing to hide about. It's what you do about it. She is not the first and won't be the last.
If time in the hospital is what you need CZJ then take it. Doesn't stop you from being a winner. I may be checking in soon too.
via dlisted
Jlo named most beautiful woman in the world!-People
It's been a very good year for Jennifer Lopez. She is all over the place. Too bad no music hits. Maybe it's to early to tell. She can still dust something off and have a summer anthem. Get back to acting and win some awards for that!
via People.com
Gotti Bros Get Made into Men
Oh yeah, it just occurred to me(thanks TMZ), who will play the original GTL crew?
Gotti Bros Get Made into MenLyndsay, she Gotti the part!
I pray that Lindsay doesn't screw this up. I bet you she will come out of this a Scientoligist working with John Travolta.
Space shuttle landing in NYC on Intrepid
This is pretty cool news. I'm looking forward to seeing it in person.
That may be as close as we get to space
'Aren't you... Lady Gaga?' LiLo's profile takes a dive as she's mistaken for pop superstar
This happens to me all the time except they always think I'm Corey Feldman, (insert sad trombone sound here,Wah Wa Wah). We wold never know about this if Lindsay didn't tweet about it. She is officially fame glomming now.
via dailmail.co.uk
Rihanna: "I Want to Spank" Britney Spears - UsMagazine.com

Now now Rhianna, calm down. Maybe she doesn't want to be spanked. I'd ask first.
The Battle of the Office Candy Jar
I could have told you this years ago. Stay away from that office candy. Think Hansel and Gretel...
via wsj.com
Lady Gaga falls during Monster Ball in Houston !:)
These things happen you just gotta get up and dust yourself off and try again.
At least she wasn't hurt. The show must go on!
The Osbournes $1.7 Million in Debt, Risk Losing Home - Movies, TV & Music - UsMagazine.com
Really now Osbournes just pay your taxes like everyone else.
The Osbournes $1.7 Million in Debt, Risk Losing Home - Movies, TV & Music - UsMagazine.com
The oldest gay in the village: 5,000-year-old is 'outed' by the way he was buried
I wonder if he was pretty too, but where do you go when you are 5,000 years old. 30 is not the kiss of death!
Britney Spears Signs Nicki Minaj for Concert Tour
As rumored Niki Minaj will open for Britney. This is a shrewd move on both their parts. This will be the tour of the Summer. I'm gonna go to the coinstar right now so I can buy my tickets!
Britney Spears Signs Nicki Minaj for Concert TourSonja Morgan thinks Andy Cohen has had plastic surgery
Have you looked in the mirror Sonja? Who really cares, but I think you should wait to do your eyes until you absolutely positively have to. Will Andy Cohen be the next Joan Rivers?
original content...slow news day
so this is my birthday week, it's been reduced from a month as that's way to much time time to celebrate. we are getting off to a good start tho. went to sugarland in bklyn with my fresh crew of cuties an i had the best time of my life and yes i've felt this way before, it's for real, it's the truth. it was like 2000 party over oops out of time. as it turns out there is plenty of time! If I'm still here damit then you can be too. Iffin you have an iota of a dream bring it here to the NYC/BKLYNTOWN. "we make your dreams come true!"
Government shutdown 2011 avoided with 11th-hour budget deal
Phew! To quote Rodney King "Can we all get along? Can we get along?"
via christian science monitor
Bernie Madoff is spending his time in prison reading Danielle Steel novels
Lindsay Lohan Responds to Betty White's 'Ungrateful' Comment
I agree with Betty White on this one. I think they need to settle this the old fashioned Dynasty way and take it to the pool not twitter.
Jersey Shore gets fourth season and spinoffs planned
"Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi, Paul "DJ Pauly D" Delvecchio and Jenni "J-Woww" Farley are getting their own shows in 2012, MTV says." This is really no surprise. I think I'll watch them all at first then it'll fizzle out to two and then just Snooki's. I just can't get enough of that pickle loving gal.
Here come the Men In Black: Will Smith is back in the suit to shoot third movie...
Anything Will Smith makes is a hit; television, movies, kids. Even after a 13 year gap since the last MIB's it will be a huge international success. I hope they bring that little dog back again. He was my favorite actor in the MIB movies.
via dailymail.co.uk
Rebecca Black -Friday official parody video
It's refreshing to know that the youth of today knows the days of the week and what order they come in.
I have great hopes for our future!
"Jersey Shore" castmates banned from The Box - NYPOST.com
First of all the Box was hip years ago. Fist pumping and heavy drinking rate very low on the list of shenanigans I've seen and heard happened there. But they let the Real Housewives in? I'm surprised that cesspool is still open.
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