
Lindsay Lohan Punched this Woman

This is the lady Lindsay Lohan punched. Her face looks fine to me although she does look like she's been out all night and still feeling it.

Lindsay Lohan Punched A Woman Over This?...

Max George from The Wanted

via dlisted

Gender Neutral Kids Catalog Published in Sweden

Maybe if this catalog was out when I was a kid I may have gotten what I really wanted for Christmas...

Sweden is in the forefront of gender neutrality in an attempt to banish gender.

via kidcrave

Lindsay Lohan Arrested AGAIN For Punching Woman At New York Club

Oh Lordy, not again. That lady must have really pissed Lindsay off.

Lindsay Lohan Arrested For Punching Woman At New York Club: Lohan taken into custody for third-degree assault around 4 a.m. after allegedly punching a woman in the face.


$550 Million Dollar PowerBALLl!!!!! This is your night?

& just incse you don't win the Powerball here is your raison d'Γ©tat
 Zebra chases pony on Staten Island!!!!!!
The chances are the same.

Brazilian TV show Scary Pranksters, Hilarious!


This is just too good not to post!

Thanks Rich!


Is Lindsay Lohan Really Anything Like Elizabeth Taylor?


@BretEastonEllis (writer of Lohan's next movie Canyons: "I'm thoroughly enjoying and consistently amused by Liz & Dick. The haters went overboard on this one."
@JackGrayCNN: "This is the kind of performance you get when someone is willing to work for a used VW Cabriolet full of Camel Lights."
@AdamShankman: "They r doing a marvelous job of making one of the greatest actresses of all time out to be one of the worst people of all time. #LizandDick"
‏@donallogue: "God I pray #LizandDick is such a ratings success in an ironic way that Lifetime immediately goes into production of #Liz&MJ beyond neverland"
Patton Oswalt: "'We're next.' -- Ben Affleck and J-Lo, texting each other. #lizanddick"
@fuggirls: "The chemistry between LiLo and Grant Bowler is the equivalent of trying to light a cigarette with an ice cube. -H #LizAndDick"
@BoweryBoys: "A plain white screen rolling the text of Elizabeth Taylor's Wikipedia entry would be more compelling. #LizAndDick"
‏@stefispice: "Liz and Dick use the same set as The Lizzy McGuire Movie. That's a true story. #behindthestory"
@erinmallorylong: "Guys, there's already RAZZIE buzz around Liz and Dick!"
@ryansatin: "Watching Liz and Dick ... the best comedy of the year since Twilight."
@joshuagates: "Lindsay Lohan in Liz and Dick: 'I'm bored. I'm so bored!!' You and me both, kid. You and me both."

'Liz & Dick' co-star Grant Bowler weighs in on the actress' portrayal of the stage icon to MTV News.

Is Lindsay Lohan Really Anything Like Elizabeth Taylor?


Madonna debuts new parfume

This pose is very Madonna calendar 1992.

via Dlisted


Wednesday is Hunkday!

Does David Beckham in his undies ever get old? The Movember stach is working for me! He continues his foray into mens mentionables for H&M with robes, long johns and towels.  I have a few pair myself and they aren't too shabby.

Sexiest Man Alive - Channing Tatum

I've been a fan of Channing Tatum since he danced in those Step Up movies he's got the moves baby!

via People.com


Rihana bares it again; What a feeling!

Rihanna - GQ Men of the Year 2012

Rihanna - GQ Men of the Year 2012

Loving Rihana's Flashdance moment!

via GQ

Bieber flys into Brooklyn


Justin Bieber flys into his concert at the Barclay's center.
That's quiet an entrance for a newly single guy.

Snooki Goes Red


It was time for a change Snooki. Now let us know if ginges have more fun.

via MTV.com

Kristen Stewart gets cheeky at Twilight premiere

Looking stunning in this ode to nude Zuhair Murad.
To be honest it's the best Kristen Stewart has ever looked!

via NYDN

Gay Twilight?

I oh so wished Taylor Lautner was the gay one!


Rihana and Kate Moss in V Magazine

Can you feel the love? I love me a lace body suit to lounge around in.

via dlisted


Real Housewife Miami's Joanna Krupa for PETA

joanna krupa naked peta ad fur trim

Joanna Krupa's unfailing conviction for PETA is undeniable!

via huffpo

Lady GaGa says no to duet claims Madonna

Madonna was talking shit on Ellen last week and she is still trying to be starting something with Lady GaGa.
I love a good bitch fight!

Madonna, 54, has criticized Gaga, 26, in the past over similarities between her song, 'Express Yourself', and the chorus to Gaga's 2011 hit, 'Born This Way'.

She said: "I thought, this is a wonderful way to redo my song. I mean, I recogniZed the chord changes. I thought it was... interesting."

However, when asked about the similarities between the tracks, Gagasaid: "What a completely ridiculous thing to even question me about. If you put the songs next to each other, side by side, the only similarities are the chord progression. "It's the same one that's been in disco music for the last 50 years. Just because I'm the first f***ing artist in 25 years to think of putting it on Top 40 radio, it doesn't mean I'm a plagiarist, it means that I'm f***ing smart. Sorry."

via hwdrg


NYC celebrates Obama's win!


That one guy on the right is literally floating on air or very light in his loafers or both!

via NYDN


ELection Day 2012 is well underway...

I hope all the Muppets get out and vote today!

via NBC


Sandy in Summation

Everyone totally overreacted to Hurricane Irene last year, which ended up just being a really rainy evening. So when people started freaking out about Hurricane Sandy and  essentially preparing for the apocalypse I was like:

But several days later, in Sandy’s aftermath I’m like:

The rest is hilarious ... via jezebel

Octonauts Rock!

This is what I've been during during Sandy. Sorry for not so many posts. Its weird when your time is consumed by how am I going to get to work today?