
Britney Spears back up dancers do tribute video...

These kids are giving it their best razzle dazzle. Gotta love their Chutzpah!

Wednesday is Hunkday! Henry Cavill as Superman.

This Superman movie is shaping up to look pretty darn good.

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Prince Hot Ginge jumps in pool at club.

It's great to see Prince William having some old fashioned pool jumping fun. This is mere speculation, but he seems a bit tipsy.

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Grace Jones Makes ’em Dance


I saw Grace Jones perform once at the Copa in Ft. Lauderdale. The show was supposed to start at midnight, she did not go on till 3:30 am. After every song her nubian love stud removed one piece of clothing off of her. By the end of her hits she was butt nekkid! It was awesome!

Make ’em dance - NYPOST.com


Come on Irene!

Hurricane Ike

Really? Earthquake? NYC? Here I am, rock me like a hurricane!
Hunkering down in bklyntwn!


Merriam-Webster Dictionary Adds 'Tweet' & 'Fist Bump'

"Merriam-Webster's president says he considers "fist bump" among the stars of the new words."

I really always thought it was Fist Pump. oops. When is Fist Pump getting in?

Merriam-Webster Dictionary Adds 'Tweet':

'via Blog this'


Will & Jada -- The Couple That Smiles Together ... | TMZ.com

Will Smith & Jada Pinkett Smith Shop in Malibu | Jada Pinkett Smith, Will Smith

The couple that shops together stays together? Will Smith has the new MIB's coming up so is this more fakery?

Will & Jada -- The Couple That Smiles Together ... | TMZ.com:

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Earthquake rocks NYC!

It originated in Virginia and aftershocks were felt here in Times Square. Yikes!

Jada Pinkett & Will Smith allegedly seperating

Intouch magazine is reporting that Will Smith and Jada Pinkett are calling it quits after 13 years. This news does not surprise me one bit. They have looked like they have been faking it for years. In Hollywood acting 101 you have to learn how to act like you are in love to keep your career. maybe Jada will do a J-lo and parade around next to nothing all over the place. Strutting around like a 20 year old ho is the sweetest revenge.

Jada Pinkett & Will Smith's Infinite Cycle Of Love Has Stopped Spinning

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Kate Winslet Rescues Richard Branson's Mother in Fire on Caribbean Island - ABC News

Todays theme is actors as heroes. Kate Winslet saved Sir Richard Bransons mother from a fire of his enchanted island getaway. No one was hurt so you can't feel to bad for him. He'll just rebuild somethng bigger and better like rich people do.

Kate Winslet Rescues Richard Branson's Mother in Fire on Caribbean Island - ABC News

My hero Ryan Gosling

Ryan Gosling saves the day. Two men fight over a painting in the middle of the street in brad daylight.
Who comes to the rescue? Super hero actor man. I wonder if these guys were weilding weapons if he would have stepped in?

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Joss Stone says Lady Gaga’s look distracts from her talent as a singer

I don't care if you trash talk Lady GaGa, but not my Madonna! What did she ever do to you except dress you up in her love. Joss Stone please do me a favor, comb your hair put some shoes on and run over to the nearest pay phone and call a stylist but quick! When you actually have a look then maybe perhaps you can critique others for theirs.

Joss Stone says Lady Gaga’s look distracts from her talent as a singer. 

via nypost


Anne Hathaway says Snooki is my twin

Finally someone from the other side of the glamour tracks confesses the truth. Anne Hathaway is a true shore going Jersey girl at heart. She claims to also love JWow for sticking up for her girls and I don't mean the 2 she bought.

Lady Gaga & Cher Collaborate

I've heard rumors of this genius collaboration for a while now, but now I believe! This could be ecstasy.
Lady GaGa should just announce it and go for a collaboration worlds record. Any gay icon would do living or dead. You know they can do those things now even make commercials together. Thank goodness Cher is alive and kicking. I smell another farewell tour coming.

Billboard Bits: Lady Gaga & Cher Collaborate, Billboard.com

Greatest thing demo


Abercrombie & Fitch offers to pay 'Jersey Shore' star Mike 'The Situation' Sorrentino NOT to wear brand - NYPOST.com

I guess a clothing company can't send a cease and desist to someone who buys their clothes so this is the next best thing. Just because there is money involved it's till a form of discrimination. I think anyone who watches Jersey Shore should Boycott Abercrombie and Fitch. Their clothes are boring anyways so it won't be hard for me. Although the greeters sure are cute, er have great abs?

Abercrombie & Fitch offers to pay 'Jersey Shore' star Mike 'The Situation' Sorrentino NOT to wear brand - NYPOST.com


'Jersey Shore' star Vinny slams Snooki's diva behavior - NYPOST.com

This is the tweeting version of a schoolboy pulling on a girls poof because he likes her. Vinny and Snooki should wind up together by the end of the season if my calculations are correct. They already remind me of an old married couple.

'Jersey Shore' star Vinny slams Snooki's diva behavior - NYPOST.com

Prince Hot Ginge, Now With One Less Fleeeeeee

Flee has had her fun. Time to share Prince Hot Ginge with the world again. Who will get to ride the wild pony next?

Prince Hot Ginge, Now With One Less Fleeeeeee

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Kristen Stewart On W Magazine

Finally she looks like a glamorous movie star. Now shine superstar, shine!

Kristen Stewart On W Magazine

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lady Gaga does man drag.

lady gaga you and i single cover 02

Just as suspected Lady GaGa makes a ugly man.

What's next for this hair hopper? I vote for trying to recreate looks from the farm next. A horse, a cow, a pig, a chicken perhaps.

via JustJared


Here she is shilling on the View. She really is just a regular girl.

Doogie Howser's Suns with Elton John

I could go for that. I can do.

Presenting Doogie Howser's Sun-Drenched Crotch

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Happy Birthday Lucille Ball!

Happy Birthday Lucy! Thanks for the laughter.


Happy Birthday Mr. President!

Barack Obama will either be remembered as the one of the best Presidents or the one of the worst depending on who you talk to. The one thing I do know is that he loves to be on TV. 


Prince William and Catherine hold hands in matching jumpers at Holyrood Park 02aug11

Prince William and Catherine hold hands in matching jumpers at Holyrood Park

How sweet is this. The last time I saw such great matching is when Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears wore those matching denim outfits styled by Rachel Zoe.

Prince William and Catherine hold hands in matching jumpers at Holyrood Park 02aug11



Helen Mirren has best body, beats out Jennifer Lopez, poll finds

I'm not surprised. If the girls are still hanging in there you deserve an award. You have to rent Excalibur to see Dame Mirren at her hottest.

Helen Mirren has best body, beats out Jennifer Lopez, poll finds

Hugh Jackman In St. Tropez

It wouldn't be summer unless there were photos of Hugh Jackman cavorting on the beach. Cavort away Wolverine!

Panty Creamer Of The Day: Hugh Jackman In St. Tropez
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