Looking has turned out to be predictable but better than expected. I enjoy watching these guys trying to figure it out with their peckers. Luckily I've found it already and don't have to look anymore. Phew!
Apparently Nicki has been selling wigs. Her wigmaker claims she took his ideas and was selling them on her website. I'm not sure why I was surprised that Ms. Minaj sold wigs. Pop stars nowadays will try and sell you their clothes, their smell and their hair. Just give a some catcy tune and a flashy video and I'm good.
I don't care about the Kardashians too much so I don't usually post about them, but this headline is quite captivating. Is her most famous asset now becoming her biggest liability? All I know is what goes up, must come down.
Yuzuru Hanyu killed it yesterday at the Sochi Olympics winning gold for Japan with a 104 score. Who knew you could get better than 100? Better than perfection. He has the moves baby! Well deserved.
I wonder if Victoria Beckham will show her frocks in London too? That makes for a very busy Lady. Peter Pilotto is the one to watch this year. Also, looking forward to see the Grand Dame of Punk, Vivienne Westwood's show. McQueen without McQueen still makes me a bit sad, but the show MUST go on!
Stay Calm, it's just for the Muppets movie folks. Kermie has yet to propose. Figures.
"Vivienne Westwood is fabulous-just like moi," said Miss Piggy. "When I asked her to design this wedding dress for moi's new movie, Muppets Most Wanted, she was thrilled and I was thrilled. The only one a bit 'iffy' about it was the Frog."
I was surprised to find out Shirley Temple was dead because I did not realize she was still alive. She's the original Honey Boo Boo child, but way classier. If you don't know who she is, ask your grandmama.
A family that goes to fashion shows toghether, stays together. I love it when family supports family. Victoria Beckham must have been so happy she probably smiled.
When someone is trying really hard and they almost nail it you have to give it up to them for putting themself out there and giving it their all. Points for moxie and chutzpah! Also, kudos to the hand holders and rainbow glove wearers!
Miley Cyrus takes it to the next level in rehearsals for her upcoming #BANGERZ tour. My father had the Oscar Meyer Wiener mobile for a month. Imagine finding that parked in front of your house when you got home from school. Not cute. Now my interest is piqued.
The Chinese wowed, the English Rocked now I can't wait to see what the Russians have in store for our eyeballs! As millions are aware by now, LGBT rights for Russians is at the forefront and to watch or not to watch is the question. Yes, i'm going to watch the Olympics, mostly figure skating and the Canadian Bobsled team. I prefer to celebrate the athletes dedication to their sport and share in their moment.
Bruno Mars was flawless wjth his James Brown ways. Who knew he could play the drums too? What can't he do? Anthony Kiedis was still was cold so he wore long johns under his shorts, but he was hot on top. He is under the DILF category for sure.