
Snooki -- My Wrestling Days Are Over!!!

It's really no place for a lady. At least she got out way earlier than Cyndi Lauper did.
Snooki has got better things on her plate like her trip to Italy to shoot Jersey Shore.
Can they really call it the 'Shore'? I think they can because they are the Jersey Shore.

Jon Hamm, A Beige Coffee Cup And A Green Bag Of Dog Caca

I have the same eco friendly green bags, same colored dog and very similar dog walking outfit. hmmm...

Open Post: Hosted By Jon Hamm, A Beige Coffee Cup And A Green Bag Of Dog Caca
via dlisted

Boytoy ditches RI once and for all for Christina Aguilera - NYPOST.com

What a fairy tale. Who wouldn't want to whisked away from a life of mere mortals.

Rutler ditches RI once and for all for Christina Aguilera - NYPOST.com

Lohan creates chaos after leaving Lavo in the early hours of Monday morning - NYPOST.com

NYC is way more fun than LA for Lindsay it seems.
Just stay away from the booze and other sundries.

Lohan creates chaos after leaving Lavo in the early hours of Monday morning - NYPOST.com

Kirstie Alley falls on Dancing With the Stars

This was bound to happen. One word Maksim, sciatica!